Compact Powered SubwooferCASCADE™MODEL FIFTEENOwner’s Guide(120V)CASCADE™Cascade 15 OM 9/14/05 2:35 PM Page 1
7CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENInitial System-Level SettingThe following steps will set the playback level of the system tothe correct level for all tests that
8CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENEach of the following tracks produces a low-frequency test tone.The range of these tests is from 100Hz down to 20Hz.Thefrequency
9CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENAt this point, you may simply enter the data you justmeasured into the R.A.B.O.S. calculator, found on theInfinity Web site at w
10CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENUsing the Width SelectorRead the following instructions carefully.The example presented may not look like the graph you just cr
11CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENThe pointer on the slider will indicate the correct width setting.Enter this number in the Width field of the MeasurementTempla
12CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENExample 2. Two Response PeaksCharacterized by two response peaks, approximately equal inamplitude and width.This requires that
13CASCADE MODEL FIFTEEN1. Select a new test position: Cue the test track corresponding tothe center frequency of the dip. In the first example in Figu
14CASCADE MODEL FIFTEEN1. Select a new test position: Cue the test track corresponding tothe center frequency of the dip. In the example in Figure 19
15CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENIf using more than one subwoofer, always adjust both subwooferstogether.Adjust the controls as indicated by the MeasurementTemp
16CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENMAINTENANCE AND SERVICEThe enclosure may be cleaned using a soft cloth to removefingerprints or to wipe off dust.All wiring con
iiCASCADE MODEL FIFTEENRead First!1. Read these instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. Do not use
17CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENFrequencyWidthFrequencyWidthHz dB%Hz dB%Cascade 15 OM 9/14/05 2:35 PM Page 20
18CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENFrequencyWidthFrequencyWidthHz dB%Hz dB%Cascade 15 OM 9/14/05 2:35 PM Page 21
19CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENCascade Model FifteenFrequency Response 32Hz – 150Hz (–3dB)29Hz – 150Hz (–6dB)Maximum Amplifier Output800 Watts RMS (20Hz – 150
NOTESCascade 15 OM 9/14/05 2:35 PM Page 23
Infinity Systems,250 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury, NY 11797 USA 516.674.4INF (4463) (USA only) Infinity and Harman Internat
iiiCASCADE MODEL FIFTEENTable of Contentsii Important Safety Precautions1 Unpacking the Subwoofer1 Placement2 Controls and Connections3 Connections4 O
CASCADE MODEL FIFTEEN1Infinity Cascade™Model FifteenThe Infinity Cascade Model Fifteen continues Infinity’s long-standing commitment to accurate sound
¡•™¢∞§¶ª‚⁄B£2CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENRear PanelCONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS¡Line-Level Inputs™Line-Level Outputs£Power Indicator¢Subwoofer Level (Volume) Con
3CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENCONNECTIONSIf you have a Dolby®Digital or DTS®receiver/processorwith a low-frequency-effects (LFE) output:• Set Normal/LFE Switc
4CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENPower OnPlug your subwoofer’s AC cord into a wall outlet. Do not use theoutlets on the back of the receiver.Initially set the Su
5CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENInfinity’s R.A.B.O.S. is a simple-to-use, yet sophisticated,low-frequency calibration system. It is designed to work inconjuncti
6CASCADE MODEL FIFTEENPower is switched on or off by pressing the button directly belowthe bar-graph window.When the unit is on, one or more LEDs will
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