ENGLISHinstructions reference series475a,5350a,1300a,1600a
2Choose a mounting location in the trunk or cargoarea where the amplifier will not be damaged byshifting cargo. Amplifier cooling is essential forprop
reference series3ENGLISHThe Reference subwoofer amplifiers are single-channel amplifiers. There are two sets ofterminals to make it easy to connect mu
To Head UnitFront OutputTo Head UnitRear OutputRear SpeakersFront SpeakersFigure 5. 475a connected to full-range speakers. Note crossover and channel
reference series5ENGLISHAPPLICATIONS – 475aTo Head UnitFront OutputTo Head UnitSub OutputSubwooferFront SpeakersFigure 7. 475a connected in tri-mode t
To Head UnitRearTo Head UnitFrontRear SpeakersSubwooferFront Speakers6The 5350a can be configured for 5-channel or 3-channel operation, as shown in Fi
reference series7ENGLISHSETTING INPUT SENSITIVITY1. Initially turn the INPUT LEVEL control(s) to the minimum (counterclockwise) position.2. On the sou
Infinity Systems, 250 Crossways Park Drive, Woodbury, NY 11797 USA www.infinitysystems.com© 2007 Harman International Industries, Incorporated. All ri
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