TSS-1100 6 – Piece Home Theater System SERVICE MANUAL Infinity Systems Incorporated 250 Crossways Park Dr. Woodbury, New York 117
TSS1100 sub Test Set Up and Procedure SYSTEM AURAL SWEEP TEST Equipment needed: • Function/signal generator/sweep generator • Multimeter • RCA cab
TSS-1100 10
TSS-1100 120V ELECTRICAL PARTS LISTPart Number QtyDescription Reference DesignatorMAIN PCBResistors020-000098-400 4 Carbon film resistor 0R 1/8
MAIN PCB026-200595-269 1 VR PN:RD163121R03D-20KBx2(EJ) FREQUENCYVR2026-500495-252 1 VR 5KA PN:RK163111R52B-5KA (EJ) LEVEL VR1Capacitors03
MAIN PCB054-540100-100 3 SMD Transistor (PNP) PN:MMBT5401 LT1 Q20,24,26THERMAL SENSE PCB024-100598-120 3 SMD Resistor 10K 1/8W J 0805 R138-R1
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CONTENTS BASIC SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . ………………………………………….1 DETAILED SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . ………………………………….2 CONTROLS. …………………..
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TSS-1100 21Circled area =THERMAL SENSE PCB N/U = Not Used
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TSS-1100 150W Powered Sub/ Plate Amp LINE VOLTAGE Yes/No Hi/Lo Line Nom. Unit NotesUS 120vac/60Hz Yes 108-132 120 VrmsNormal OperationEU 230vac/50-60H
Parameter Specification UnitQA Test Limits Conditions NotesTransients/PopsATO Transient 5 mV-peakn/a@ Speaker OutputsTurn-on Transient 50 mV-peak2V-pk
A Few SuggestionsWe recommend that you do not operate your speakers orsubwoofer with the bass,treble and loudness controls set to full boost.This will
TSS-1100SUBWOOFER CONNECTIONSIf your receiver/processor does not contain a Dolby Digital or DTS processor but has asubwoofer output:Set line-level/LFE
OPERATIONSurround ModesWhen using the system in a Dolby Digital or DTS home theatersystem,make sure all speakers are set to “Small”.When using theTSS-
SERVICE NOTE Access to woofer: 1) Carefully pry metal grille out of its recess with a sharp pointed instrument such as an awl or dental pick – USE CA
TSS-1100 Satellites/Center & Packing PART # DESCRIPTION TSS-1100 system 1100-SATBPLT Complete TSS-1000 Satellite (Platinum) 1100-SATBCH
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