Compact Powered SubwooferCSW-10Owner’s Guide(120V)
7CSW-10Initial System-Level SettingThe following steps will set the playback level of the system tothe correct level for all tests that follow.Turn th
8CSW-10Each of the following tracks produces a low-frequency test tone.The range of these tests is from 100Hz down to 20Hz.Thefrequency of each test i
9CSW-10At this point,you may simply enter the data you justmeasured into the R.A.B.O.S.calculator,found on theInfinity Web site at www.infinitysystems
10CSW-10Using the Width SelectorRead the following instructions carefully.The example presented may not look like the graph you just created.Focus on
11CSW-10The pointer on the slider will indicate the correct width setting.Enter this number in the Width field of the MeasurementTemplate.In our examp
12CSW-10Example 2.Two Response Peaks:Characterized by two response peaks,approximately equal inamplitude and width.This requires that you make a choic
13CSW-101.Select a new test position:Cue the test track corresponding tothe center frequency of the dip.In the first example in Figure 18,you would pl
14CSW-101.Select a new test position:Cue the test track corresponding tothe center frequency of the dip.In the example in Figure 19 youwould play Trac
15CSW-10If using more than one subwoofer,always adjust both subwooferstogether.Adjust the controls as indicated by the MeasurementTemplate.Each value
16CSW-10MAINTENANCE AND SERVICEThe enclosure and grille may be cleaned using a soft cloth toremove fingerprints or to wipe off dust.All wiring connect
iiCSW-10Read First!1. Read these instructions.2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instructions.5. Do not use this apparatus
17CSW-10FrequencyWidthFrequencyWidthHz dB%Hz dB%
18CSW-10FrequencyWidthFrequencyWidthHz dB%Hz dB%
19CSW-10CSW-10Frequency Response 22Hz – 150Hz (–3dB)20Hz – 150Hz (–6dB)Maximum Amplifier Output 650 watts RMS(20Hz – 150Hz with no more than 0.1% THD)
Infinity Systems,250 Crossways Park Drive,Woodbury,NY 11797 USA 516.674.4INF (4463) *Trademark of Dolby Laboratories.DTS is
iiiCSW-10Table of Contentsii Important Safety Precautions1 Unpacking the Subwoofer1 Placement2 Controls and Connections3 Connections4 Operation5 Room
CSW-101Infinity CSW-10The Infinity CSW-10 continues Infinity’s long-standingcommitment to accurate sound reproduction.Our patentedCeramic Metal Matrix
¡™£¢∞§¶•ª‚⁄2CSW-10Rear PanelCONTROLS AND CONNECTIONS¡Line-Level Inputs™Power Indicator£Subwoofer Level (Volume) Control¢Crossover Adjustment∞Phase Swi
3CSW-10CONNECTIONSIf you have a Dolby* Digital or DTS®receiver/processorwith a low-frequency-effects (LFE) output:• Set Normal/LFE Switch to LFE.NOTE:
4CSW-10Power OnPlug your subwoofer’sAC cord into a wall outlet.Do not use theoutlets on the back of the receiver.Initially set the Subwoofer Level (Vo
5CSW-10Infinity’s a simple-to-use,yet sophisticated,low-frequency calibration system.It is designed to work inconjunction with the CSW-10
6CSW-10Power is switched on or off by pressing the button directly belowthe bar-graph window.When the unit is on,one or more LEDs willalways be illumi
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